his anthropomorphic ceramic vase was inspired by feminine theorist Bracha Etting's concept of "Matrix". In a Matrixal way of thinking, we identify one another as "non-I", and are able to accept each other without having to abolish the difference. This psychological dynamic can be found during the pre-natal phase, mother and fetus are co-existing, cherishing each other without even knowing each other. I celebrate this duality, critical consciousness, and responsible relationship with others and the world.
This anthropomorphic ceramic vase was inspired by feminine theorist Bracha Etting's concept of "Matrix". In a Matrixal way of thinking, we identify one another as "non-I", and are able to accept each other without having to abolish the difference. This psychological dynamic can be found during the pre-natal phase, mother and fetus are co-existing, cherishing each other without even knowing each other. I celebrate this duality, critical consciousness, and responsible relationship with others and the world.
Disobedient body
Mixed media, ceramic, wool, and plaster sculpture, installation view
Fragmented body parts loosely connected and suspended in the air, this kinetic sculpture has a sense of movement. Arms and hands curled around the face like in a dancing pose, but the red strings reveal another force, pulling limbs like a puppet, it presents the forces outside of the embodied self

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